Tweetie-DFW Pug Rescue

I got an email from DFW Pug Rescue on Thursday asking for anyone that could please take some pictures of Tweetie ASAP because they need to raise money for her surgery! Since I was just editing at the time and I rarely need an excuse to help a pug in need I took the trip out to VCA University Animal Hospital to take some photos of Tweetie.

I wasn’t real sure what I was walking into since I don’t do a lot of photos inside of Veterinary Clinics but I have been in enough to know that they don’t have much to offer for pretty photos. Plus I wasn’t sure what condition Tweetie would be in knowing that I was there to get photos to help raise money for her surgery.

So, once I get there they put me in an exam room and brought me Tweetie. I was in the room putting my camera together and all the sudden they opened the door and came in with this little wiggly ray of sunshine!! Turns out Tweetie is just the sweetest little firecracker ever. She jetted around the little exam room only stopping to give me the sweetest little kisses. If I wasn’t paying attention to her she would just play around by herself but if I moved my camera away from my face she would hop right in my lap and give me a sweet peck on the cheek. I could have played with her all day. I really hope DFW Pug Rescue is able to raise the money they need for Tweetie because she has such a sweet personality to share with her future family and will brighten all of your days!


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