By far, the most often asked question I get asked by friends and clients about their upcoming shoots is: “What do I wear?”
My best advice?
…keep it fun…keep it simple…keep it coordinated…
Read: Coordinated….NOT matching! Say goodbye to the khakis and while shirts for the entire family. No more wearing black from head to toe for everyone involved! Have a little fun with it! Add some personality, accessorize, add color!
One thing I like to tell everyone is wear your favorite out fit. You know the one that you always feel like you look good in! Its one less thing to worry about in front of the camera because you know you look good. I want you to be as comfortable as possible.
There are all levels of coordinating, and it doesn’t have to mean everyone has to wear the same color…just the same family of color.
I am hoping this helps someone out there just a little. Send me your thoughts. I would love to hear your ideas!