I have to admit that I love the website Dallas Dog Life its a fantastic way to find out all things DOG in Dallas! So when I heard they were having an event at Blackfinn in Addison Called Pooches on the Patio benefiting Operation Kindness I had to stop by! I love events that are not at the atypical dog places because it brings awareness to rescue dogs to people that would not normally go out of their way to come to an event but enjoy being there once it comes to them. But I think the best surprise about this event for me was that the illustrious Burt who’s fabulous mother Beth of Power to the Pawz Pet Services was in attendance. If you haven’t met Burt yet do your self a favor and take one of her pet CPR classes and say HI to Burt for me he is just the coolest its hard not to fall instantly in love with him! There are a few more photos in the Shagly Photography Galleries.
I have had both a male and female pom each dog has their own idndviiual personality and cannot be predetermined simply based on gender. The best way to choose a puppy is to see which puppy takes to you best (i.e. plays with you or follows you around) many breeders will tell you that the puppy chooses you and not the other way around.References :